Saturday, April 24, 2010

Date Safe

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Image hosted by Photobucket.comWatch what you drink Image hosted by Either limit your drinks to two or if you know you can't trust yourself, stick to soft drinks - so you've always got your wits about you

Image hosted by Photobucket.comUse buddy systemImage hosted by For your first few dates suggest group outings. Make your own way there - unless you know a guy really well it's risky to be hopping into a car with him alone.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comHave a back-up planImage hosted by Carry enough money to catch a cab home or have a mobile in your bag to call a friend or brother to come and get you if your date starts coming on too strong.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comTrust your gutsImage hosted by If you don't feel confortable around a guy - listen to your instincts and end the date as soon as you can, by telling him you're feeling ill.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comBuy your own drinksImage hosted by There are men who'll do whatever it takes to get a woman into bed and that includes the use of date rape drugs. They slip them into the drinks of their date when she's not looking. Drugs such as Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (aka liquid ectasy) and Special K are tasteless, odourless and colorless. For this reason, always buy your own drinks; it's the only way you can ensure your date hasn't slip anything else into your tipple. Going to toilet? Finish it before you leave the table.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comScream fireImage hosted by If you find yourself in a situation where your date is trying to assault you, scream fire. Studies shows a call of "fire" is more likely to attract assistance than "help!".

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