Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Princess Room!

Overdue Post (Dec 2007)
Nothing much to blog about, hence I decided to share photos of my new bedroom with you guyz.
I'm living with my PIL (Parents-In-Law), which means that Ned and I had to use back his own room,
which was relatively quite small and very OLD.

I really hate blue. -_-
Well, that's before the makeover. We definately have to repaint the colors of our
room so decided to pick a theme color. I told Ned I was very
inspired by nature colors, hence we agreed on light beige and dark brown.
Renovation Progress :
Change from panel windows to sliding windows.
Wiring and Electrical Installation
Plaster ceiling
Change of flooring from marble floor to wooden floor


Looked better rite?

So after the basic renovation completed, they started working on our furnitures. We custom made it reason
being so that it could fit everything nicely. Hey it's not easy to cramp everything in a room which was
made to suit only one person okay? Imagine replacing a single bed with a double bed. That
alone had taken lots of space! Not to mention we definately need a bigger wardrobe, a makeup table,
TV panels, some drawers/storage places, bla bla bla... Haiya, you know la,
normal bedroom stuffs. Finally, after 3 weeks of renovations, this is how our room look like.

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This is the wardrobe. The sliding door is made of mirror thus reflected the walls behind.

(It's hard to understand the picture becoz of the reflection). -_- Oh well...

So wat you think? Not bad rite? I know it's nothing to shout about since it's juz a small,

old room. But overall I was very happy with the makeover. I love the color scheme and the

lighting the most - suberbly cozy and relaxing!

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