Saturday, April 24, 2010

A New Beginning

Overdue Post (Sept 2009)

I should have blog this a mth ago but was too
busy working my ass off trying to earn
lots and lots of money.
I'm sure no one knows this yet, except
afew close frenz and relatives, but I've started
working. Yes, I'm a working mum now!

I'm happy I was offered a great job, but at the same
time, it's sad to say I miss my daughter very much.

My mum is babysitting her now. She only comes
home to sleep with me becoz I reach home
after 8pm. =(

I really love my mum very much. She might
not know this, but I really appreciate
everything she does for me.

Since my MIL couldn't take care of Baby Cynthia
becoz she has lots of other chores to do
(like taking care of her dogs, and her 88 years
old mother - which she hired a maid to do
everything for her ::rolleyes::),
I have no other options but to ask my mum to
babysit my baby for me.

Needless to say, my own parents are the best!

They helped me unconditionly, never once complain.
If I do success in future, I owe it all to them.


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