Overdue Post (Apr 2007)
Last mth I was supposed to have my Wedding Photoshoot on 19th Mac but few days before the PS, I did some DIY
facial hair removal and hurt myself. So regretably, we postponed it to 16th April - which is this coming Monday, as
you can see.
Things were going juz fine until yesterday, when I noticed my nephew's eyes were red and swollen. At first, I thought
it was juz becoz of vigorous rubbing but boy was I wrong! By midnite, my eyes were so itchy that it became alil red
and swollen. I was relieved when I look into the mirror this morning and my eyes were no longer red. Tho still a'lil
swollen, I try to convince myself it's not due to infection, else my eyes would have been red and watery.
Horror strikes me out when I saw my dad and 2nd nephew's eyes were also red swollen this morning! And my mum
complained her eyes being crusty and tight.
Great, we are indeed infected by Conjunctivitis, or more commanly called as "RedEye". This infection takes about 4-7days
to recover, and that's the last thing I need!!
WHY???? WHY NOW????!!!!! ROARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so screwed! All I could do now is to hope and pray, my family and I will be fully recover by this Monday. =(
Pleaseeeeee? ::sad::
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