Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kiss & Tell

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I was chatting with my bf yesterday in msn and he told me about his fren (let's call him J)

whom his ex was double timing on him, only to know the truth a year after they broke up. Initially, it was J who

suggested the break-up back then due to the ex kept complaining on how bad he was as a bf. Heartbroken, he let

her go for he felt he wasn't good enug for her.

A year later, the ex best fren, who is also a good fren of J (i presume they are all ex-classmates

or schoolmates or something :: roll eyes ::) told him about the ex evil plan and how she was cheating on him.

Ever since, the ex was labelled with the big letter "B" among her frenz.

"Serves her right!" - I thought to myself, laughing.

Not for cheating on her bf, but for being so silly! How could you ever tell someone your darkest secret

(especially things that related to him) when you know they do know each other?! You never know your

so called best fren might be your biggest enemy one day.

I am not saying that you should never tell anything to your best fren. Go ahead. So as long as you make sure

your best fren and your bf can NEVER contact each other.

Poor girl. Here's some tips for you, incase you might think of double timing your new bf.

Create a new nick/profile with empty details

(do NOT upload your pic, unless you wan people to know who you are, of coz)

and have a good chat with a cyber fren. Someone who doesn't know who you are,

someone who doesn't know who your frenz are, someone who you might never meet your whole life.

I do believe secrets are saver with them, simply becoz they can tell the 3rd, 4th, 5th party...

and yet they are all still clueless who the hell "yadda yadda yadda" from the internet is. =)

The best thing about cyber frenz. How cool is that? ::wink::

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